Javascript Soritng Method

JavaScript Sorting Method

Hello guys! Today we are going to see that how to use SORTING METHOD in JavaSrcipt.

This will help you in arranging names in alphabetical order or instead of words you can also write numbers.

So, let's directly jump into it......

First, make two files

1) index.html
2) sorting.js

In index.html,

Soritng With Javascript
<h1 style="text-align:center">JAVASCRIPT sorting METHOD</h1>
<script src="sorting.js"></script>

In sorting.js,

//enter names you want in this array variable
var names = ["Anna","Jenny","John","Ball","Cat","Musketeer"];

//sort() is in-built javascript function
var sort = names.sort();

//then print it out


Anna, Ball, Cat, Jenny, John, Musketeer  

To see the live working of sorting


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