Learn English => Codefig

Learn English => Codefig

Hello, guys welcome back again to my blog.

Today we are going to look for the ENGLISH. Many people's around this entire globe the most used language is English. So, to learn it nowadays had became so tough and important. To make you people fall in love with learning English Codefig presents Learn English.

I am going to tell you some of the best words that you can use for other words. So, let's wear a swimsuit and dive into it..... 

speed up => accelarate
help => aid
joke => anecdote
fight => combat
finished => comleted
tough => difficult
build => construct
lucky => fotunate
giant => huge
funny => humorous
big => large
idea => notion
leave out => omit
late => tardy
in the world => worldwide
news => tidings
young => youth
enough => sufficient
make => manufacture 
seen => observed
rich => wealthy
I'm sorry => I regret
kidding => jesting
tell => inform
medicine => pharmaceuticals
sick => ill
find out => learn
use => utilize
end => terminate
danger => peril
hurry => haste,hasten
tired => fatigued
afraid => fearful
hope => desire
test => experiment
hurt => damage,harm
write you => contact you
explain => disclose
good looking => attractive
except => anticipate
smart => astute

So, this is the words for today and other will be posted soon.

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Thanks, Team Codefig


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